To keep the line and be healthy, we are often told about foods that should be avoided or limited. Like industrial foods, foods that are too fatty or too sweet, for example. But hey, avoid as much as possible foods that we do not necessarily want good, that's not all! If you want to have a peach from hell and pamper your body from the inside, you also need to promote certain foods.
13 foods you should eat daily for optimum health |
Healthy foods that Incorporate vitamins, minerals, vitamins, correct fats, and antioxidants that our body desires to fight cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cellular aging, and certain cancers. In particular.
So if you want to live long and healthy, prepared a small list of the 10 healthiest foods on the planet. To put every week on our imperative shopping list!
The lawyer
Lawyers have long been demonized for their fat richness. But today, it has regained its former glory by finally ranking it among the healthiest foods in the world. Because it is certainly rich in fat, but in good fats, which helps to lower our cholesterol! The key: less cholesterol, and therefore less risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Avocado also contains glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants...
The apple
If the apple is one of the healthiest fruits in the orchard, it is simply because of its rich fiber, vitamins, but also antioxidants. If we want to help our organization fight free radicals, it is unlike any other. Plus, with all the varieties of apples that exist, hard to get tired of this delicious fruit, to eat raw or cooked. The icing on the cake: the apple is also one of the best appetite suppressants in the world!
Almonds are the little snack you should always have at your fingertips or in your bag. And yes: almonds are less fat than Mars! But also, almonds are hyper-nutritive and allow us to fill up on vitamins E, magnesium (two nutrients that are usually lacking in our diet), antioxidants, and fiber. Along with chia seeds, they are among the healthiest and most nutritious nuts and seeds in the world!
Blueberry is a small berry that comes from Canada and looks a lot like blueberries. Because of its color (blue, even if the precision seems useless!), but also because of its incredible antioxidant content. It's one of the most popular berries in the world, just that. Consuming blueberries means protecting yourself from cardiovascular disease, cancer, vision problems, memory loss, cellular aging, but also urinary tract infections... So it's decided, blueberries, we don't put them in a vase anymore, we eat them!
13 foods you should eat daily for optimum health |
A good reason to rank broccoli in the top 10 healthiest foods? Maybe its reputation as an anti-cancer food! Broccoli is a vegetable rich in sulfur compounds, whose consumption leads to an increase in the production of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens. Pretty good, isn't it? Not to mention that thanks to its rich calcium, potassium, fiber, vitamins K and C, it also protects our bones, our blood pressure, our memory... To be eaten urgently, raw, or cooked.
Although salmon is an oily fish, it is one of the healthiest foods available. What for? Well, simply because the fats it contains are good fats, which pamper our arteries and even protect us from cardiovascular disease. A recent study showed that eating salmon twice a week was enough to reduce salmon consumption by 27%.
Pepper is a vegetable that can be enjoyed raw as well as cooked, whether it is green, yellow, orange, or red! Very low in calories, this vegetable has a richness in fiber, water, and vitamins A, B, C, P very interesting. Especially since vitamins C and P, combined with the many antioxidants contained in peppers, help fight against cellular aging and help us to keep beautiful skin!
Dark chocolate
Why is it good for our health?
Half a bar of dark chocolate can reduce blood pressure in healthy people. Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants can reduce bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase HDL levels.
Why are they good for our health?
A single lemon accounts for more than 100% of the daily intake of vitamin C, which can help increase good cholesterol levels and strengthen bones. Besides, citrus flavonoids in lemons can help prevent the growth of cancer cells and act as anti-inflammatory drugs.
Adding a slice of lemon to your green tea is the best way to eat it regularly. A study has found that citrus fruits increase your body's ability to absorb antioxidants in the tea by about 80%.
Why is it good for our health?
Garlic is a powerful fighter that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including E. Coli. Not to mention allicin, a compound found in garlic, which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that it can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Freshly ground garlic releases more allicin. Avoid over-burning, as garlic exposed to intense heat for more than 10 minutes loses important nutrients.
Why is it good for our health?
Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are important for eye health. Recent research has shown that spinach is effective against cancer.
Spinach is a healthy, flavorless addition to your smoothies. It's not disgusting, we promise you! Try mixing a cup of spinach, a cup of grated carrots, a banana, a cup of apple juice, and ice cubes.
Why are they good for our health?
Eating a serving of legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) four times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by 22%. This habit can also reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Besides, beans are dark and they also contain antioxidants. One study showed that black bean pods contain 40 times more antioxidants than white bean pods.
Why are they good for our health?
Nuts contain more omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower cholesterol. Omega-3s can improve mood and fight cancer; they can also protect your skin from sun damage.
Eat them for dessert, because melatonin, an antioxidant found in nuts, helps regulate sleep.